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Welcome to da tips, thine cheats und das guides!

Select thine choice of game!

We have:

  1. Worms United cheats + challenge codes
  2. Grand Theft Auto cheats + hidden tricks 'n' tips
  3. Theme Park cheats

On MegaDrive
  1. WWF Raw special moves and cheats
  2. Mickey Mania level select

On Game Gear
  1. Sonic 2 - level select cheat
  2. Pete Sampras Tennis-World Tour codes


Worms United:challenge codes

  1. veryeasy
  2. ohsoeasy
  3. unchains
  4. bjornpop
  5. dodgemax
  6. starturn
  7. heygeoff
  8. rezdoggy
  9. highkick
  10. long ago
  11. hey john
  12. satanics
  13. neardead
  14. scumbagz
  15. goodbye

Grand Theft Auto:Cheats

  • Super well = all cities
  • suckmyrocket = all weapons
  • buckfast (then press asterisk in game) = all weapons + armour
  • Iamthelaw = No police
  • Itcouldbeyou = 999999999 points
  • iamgarypenn = extra swearing mode (iamnotgarypenn = turns it off)
  • heartofgold(pos.heartsofgold) = all cut scenes

  • Theme Park Cheats

      Chose new game and put nickname as HORZA Then press these whilst in game
    • Alt+Control+Shift+Z = all rides/shops/amenities
    • after that press C and hold down for lots of money

    MegaDrive/Genesis cheats tips etc(these work on emulators)

    WWF Raw

    Special moves ( these may not work every time, but they are great!)
    • Bret Hart: Somer-sault Splash- when opponent is down go onto a top ringpost and: hold X, press right,right right, then release X and press B, or hold A and B, press right, right, up and release B
      The sharpshooter is easy-press a load of buttons when opponent is down-you will quickly find it.

    • Yokozuna: Cannonball off the top rope: get on one of the far posts, - hold X press down, down, down then release X and press B, or hold A and B, press down, down, down and release A

    • 123 Kid: Moonsault- when opponent is down, get on far ringpost, hold X, press up, up, up release X and press B

    • Owen Hart: Whirling Dervish- this is mint! anytime, hold A and B, press up, right, down , and let go of B - if you have any this will drain your energy, but hold A and continue spinning as long as you want.

    • Doink: Whoopie Cushion- this sometoimes doesn't work. When opponent is down, get on far post and press X.

    • Cheats: Change stats: goto view wrestlers stats, and press:

      Bret Hart= down/left+start
      Undertaker= right+start+a
      Diesel= down+start+A+C
      Doink= left+start+A+C
      Shawn Micheals= down/left+A+C

      Mickey Mania-level select.
    • goto options, then sound test. Choose Music=Continue FX=Appear Speech=Think. Then highlight exit and hold down left until you hear a noise. Then goto new game and the menu will appear.

    Game Gear(all codes/cheats should work on MegaDrive also)

    Sonic 2 - level select

    As the title screen comes on, hold down 1,2 and Start, and hold the D-Pad down and left, until tails winks and the coin noise is made. Then release and press start.

    Pete Sampras Tennis

    World Tour
    10. BACKHAND
    11. KEYBOARD
    12. HARDWARE
    13. QUANTITY
    14. FUNCTION
    15. TRANSMIT
    16. NEGATIVE
    17. VITAMINS

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